Well everybody, I had a fantastic week this week and I really hope that you did too! I'm going to try to sum this up simply beacuse I'm running out of time on the computer, slowly and surely... :P I'll expound on the cool experiences as much as I can though! :D
We spent mostly inside the apartment helping Elder Schvaneveldt pack all of his stuff and cleaning the apartment for Elder Wise to get here. There was so much random stuff that I found! One blessing is that I found a BRAND NEW side bag in the back of our closet - with the tag still on it - that I'm using now, which is a huge blessing because my old side bag was getting very worn out little by little. :) But I was able to organize tons of stuff and change things in the apartment, which was good to finally be able to do. We also had a goodbye lesson for Rosa and Elder S, because he is getting transferred to Port Washington. It was awesome, and she is super excited to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. That night, we had Dominican Plantains for dinner at the Seneli's home, which was awesome. :)
We got picked up at 6:30 from the English Elders to go to the South Stake Center for transfers. We got down there and Elder Kizmey had to go to a training because he is training a new misionary. Elder Schvaneveldt and his new comp, Elder Osborne, hooked up pretty soon, as did I with Elder Wise. We spent most of the day at the stake center doing a training with the Zone Leaders, and also talking to and taking photos with other missionaries! I got to see Elder Shipp, my trainer, for the first time in a while, and that was awesome! He is doing super well. Later today, we got back to the apartment and then set out to introduce him to Rosa and try and make some other contacts. Eventually, we made it back to the apartment and we unpacked his stuff and that was that!
The first thing that happened was the Hope Center! We got some pretty sweet glasses there and got to help some people out, which was good. We also tried to visit some people because we're trying to deal with the awkward transition of having a main investigator, to baptizing them, to then having to try and get a new main investigator. It's quite the ride, but we have some good names in mind so we should be set in the next little while! We then had Weekly Planning, where we talked about some awesome plans to pick up the area a little more, so that we can branch out even more than we have been, in finding new investigators and contacting old ones. Super excited for that! :) Then that night, we had a lesson with Alisia, where we taught about prayer. It was sweet to have her bear testimony to her son! Then, we gave a blessing to her 3 year old in preparation for a procedure he has to do, then I offered her a blessing as well because I could tell she was going through a lot, and just to top it off we gave on to her son Devon who didn't want to be left out. It was awesome. I got to give all 3 blessings because they all knew me and didn't know Elder Wise, but it was great. :)
Was a pretty full day! We went up to Pewaukee to have lessons with the peopel that we scheduled them with, but we only met one of them, Jose, and we woke him up from his nap, so we scheduled another lesson and left. We did, however, make contact with 2 less actives up there! After we came back, we tried to meet with Jose, our former investigator, but he was not available. So, we tracted out a nearby apartment complex, and then we went to go get some food form the store for Elder Wise. After that and dinner, we had an awesome lesson with Angel and Eric, 2 sons of a less-active member. It was so sweet, and they both show lots of promise. After that, we visited another potential investigator, but met his son instead and taught him for an hour! It was amazing - miracles DO happen!
We began with Correlation, which was good. Then, after that, we did our studies in the middle of the day, and then contacted some other potential investigators that we had the information for. After that, we got picked up by Brother Tateoka to go up to the church building and help him set up for a Primary Baptism. Josh Tovias had asked me to say the opening prayer at the baptism, and then his father, Jesus Tovias, asked me to be a witness for the baptism (because he was doing the ordinance in Spanish) and also to stand in on the circle of Confirmation. It was a great opportunity to be able to aid him in that. That night, we had dinner with the Bishop family, which was a blast! :)
Was the perfect day to top things off this week. Church was amazing, especially because we were able to confirm Rosa a member of the church, sustain her and welcome her into the Ward, and that she was able to take the Sacrament and have it mean something to her. During Gospel Principles, she was asked to stand up and tell how she felt now, and then after church, we aided Bro. Seneli in doing some Home Teaching. We also had dinner with the Black's that night, which was fun. Brother Black then took us over to contact some potentials we had, where we taught a doorstep lesson AND gained a referral, which is what we needed to complete our goals for the day! :)
I KNOW that this gospel is true everybody, and that this work is the work of the Lord. I love Him, and He loves all of us. :) Have great weeks - every single one of you!
--Elder Nate Hubert