Hey everybody! I had a great week here, and Elder Miller and I were able to be very successful in teaching our investigators and helping them come closer to Christ. Our main goal right now is that we are trying to help them change their desires, that they might be as it says in Mosiah 18, and have their own desire to enter the waters of Baptism and to be called His people, and to go further in this gospel. So, this is how my week went!
Monday evening, after P-day activities and everything, we went down to the trailer park on the edge of Bellevue street and we met up with Teresa, a lady that we had met earlier, and we got to teach a lesson! However, more interested than she was, was her husband Angel, who told us that he really wants to learn more and that he wants to come to church and everything, so we're going to start working with him! :DElder Nathan Hubert's Mission Blog
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Another week passes in Wisconsin, The Packer's had a public practice,and I lost my wallet!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Mission Tour, 19th Birthday, and Lambeau Field!
Sooo this week I want to thank everybody who took time and means to send me some things in the mail or emails for my birthday which was on the 17th - they were all greatly appreciated! Thank you all so very much!
But I really had such an exciting week this last week. Sunday, August 17, 2014
Quick report from Green Bay
This email is gonna be real short. Like seriously. I apologize...
Wednesday, we had a very powerful lesson with Alexis basically all about the principles of the Gospel - all of those primary answers that we quote over the years, which are going to church, reading the scriptures, praying, and we followed up with all of the previous commitments we had given him.
Thursday we had a lesson with Hermana Sanchez with Hermano Ramirez present, during which we invited her to baptism and she said that if she received an answer that these things were true, she would do that! We were pretty happy to hear that. Then later, we got to learn a cool new idea for working with members which is basically having a member-run party where people invite their friends. Missionaries are not in charge, but they attend to answer questions and all. I'll keep you posted!
Friday, we spent some time in a trailer park but met tons of new people, which was awesome. We also got to set a baptismal date with the Carlos family (2 people in it), which was awesome! The Spirit is working in their lives!!!
Saturday we met some new people, and got to have dinner with a Hmong lady. We also had a choir practice to prepare for mission tour coming up, and guess who gets to lead the choir! Yours truly! It is pretty fun! :D
Sunday we got to have church, and then borrow some bikes to contact some more distant people because the buses don't work on Sundays. It was pretty effective and very fun!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Another great week in Green Bay, Wisconsin :D
Hey everybody! How are you all doing? Everything is super great here in the land of milk and honey! Or rather the land of cows and cheese and beer! :) Wisconsin is great though, and we have been able to have another really great, successful week.
On Monday, even though our scheduled lessons fell through, we were able to go and teach 4 people just out and about, which was really awesome! None of them wanted to learn more about the gospel, but at least we were able to expose them to a bit about the church and everything, right? :)
On Tuesday, we recruited the help of 2 of the young men in the Branch - Monkey and Cesar - and they came with us to teach 2 people. We taught Luis - a 16-yr-old boy who is really searching, and were able to teach him the Restoration lesson, and he really enjoyed it! We compared him to Joseph Smith because he has had a lot of questions all his life, and he said that he really wants to learn more, so hopefully in time he will have the desire to be baptized! :D We were also able to teach the Plan of Salvation to a lady named Maria, and that went pretty well. It's pretty hard to get into her house because she is never home, but I'm really glad that it worked out this week!
Wednesday we got to teach our friend Alexis, who had been having a super tough week. Turns out that on Saturday especially he had been in deep depression, which is something that he doesn't really ever experience... :( He was wondering what his purpose was, so we taught him the Plan of Salvation and he really liked that. Later, we had the help of Andres from the branch to go and teach Hermana Hollan, but she was busy, so instead we went and taught Hermana Varela, and got to read 2 Nefi 31 with her, talking about all of the things that we need to do in our lives to grow closer to God. We talked about coming to church and getting baptized, and she knows she needs to do them, but I just think she's scared to do anything about it. Later, we got to eat dinner with the other missionaries and got to teach a man named Hugo, who let us teach the Restoration, which went very well! He really liked it and even wants us to come back, which is always a really good feeling.
Lambeau field! |
Friday rolled around, and it was a pretty hard day. I mean, we went to an area to contact a referral and went tracting around it too, but we only taught one lesson throughout the entire day! But during that, we went to a park to meet up with a Less Active member and got to talk to him about keeping firm in the faith and after that, this complete stranger comes up to us. He tells us that he's from Tennessee and that he is a member of the church, and that ever since he got to Green Bay 3 months ago, he hasn't seen missionaries or any trace o the church! So we gave him the address of the church and gave him a BofM and talked to him for a while, and then we gave him a priesthood blessing right there in the middle of the park, at his request. It was pretty cool - a great experience. I was so glad to be led by the Spirit to be in the right place at the right time.
Saturday we had correlation in the morning, but didn't end up playing soccer so we made up our studies instead. We later went around near our area and met some pepole and taught some lessons, and then headed over to an investigator's house to teach them, but when they weren't ready for us, we just went to the church building to help set up for a baptism that was happening, which we stayed for. Unfortunately none of our investigators were able to come to that, but perhaps another time I guess. Later, we got to go around a different area and then eat dinner and call people to remind them about church.
I love life right now though! Everything is just so amazing - my mission has never been better. One cool goal that Elder Miller and I set was this: before, the area was getting 15 lessons a week, so we planned on getting no less than 20 lessons a week. This week, we were able to get over 30 lessons, which was quite the accomplishment for us! Also, we have made a goal to hand out a whole box of Books of Mormon before the end of this transfer (August 27), and currently we have handed out 28 of them! It is great! I love it! The Lord is blessing us so much - and he is so mindful of us!
It is so crazy to think about how I just hit my 10-month-mark, and how on the 17th of this month I'm gonna turn 19, and then a month after that I'm gonna hit my year mark. Time just flies way too fast! It is so crazy!!! :D Anyways... I love you all so much! Have an amazing week!
--Elder Nate Hubert
Sunday, August 3, 2014
First complete week in Green Bay :)
Hey! After a week and a half in this area, I finally feel like I'm able to get a handle on things as I continue working hard and going about the city! Things are finally making sense as we go around, especially in regards to where we are and who were are in the area to visit. I know the investigators names now, the only key is going to be getting to know the members! There aren't too many of them in the humble branch that we're serving in, but I still don't know very many of them yet. That will come in time... :)
However, this last week went very well! Throughout the week we were able to teach over 20 lessons, which even though I know that numbers aren't anything, that is significantly higher than we were able to achieve while serving in Waukesha - which I am super excited about!Green Bay Spanish district |
Thursday morning we got picked up pretty early to go down to Milwaukee (a 2 hour+ drive down there) for a Spanish Conference that was going to take all day! It was really awesome though as we were able to talk a lot about our mutual concerns with the Spanish work in Wisconsin, and also were able to pool together our ideas on how to focus more on Hispanic Men and families, to strengthen the various branches with more priesthood holders. We also went through the Book of Mormon and were able to come up with a ton of promised blessings to Lehi's seed (the lamanites) which is basically the people that we're teaching. And then after that, we got to drive home! So, that was basically our day... :P
Friday morning we went to the YMCA to help our friend Dale work out, but after an hour of waiting for him to show up, and with him never showing up, we just decided to go home and continue our studies. So, we did that! Later, we were able to teach a bunch of new people, including a kid named Ulisses who told us that his family would love to hear more about our message, so we have an appointment to go and visit them again. :) And later we got to teach some new people, but they didn't want us to come back. We ended the evening with a game of Volleyball at the church! :)
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